It is in the interest of a child’s progress that they attend school every day, and the Education Act requires this by law.

The school maintains an electronic attendance register. Please inform us when your child can not attend school, advising your child’s name, room number and the reason for their absence. Either:

  • send a message via the Hero app
  • telephone the school on 388-9519 before 9.00am

  • send a message via another family member or neighbour

  • send an email to: admin@rawhiti.school.nz

  • text–02108271380 with the child’s name, room number and reason for absence.

A message can be left on the school’s answer phone 24 hours a day.  The school will make contact with home if a child is unaccounted for. Please make sure we have your current home, work and cellphone number and that these along with your home address are kept up to date.

Children absent for more than 3 weeks at one time are required to be removed from the school roll unless there is written verification of a return to school date and an explanation for non-attendance e.g. medical certificate or travel details.  When there are patterns of unjustified absence, this will be followed up with their parents/caregivers by the Deputy Principal or Principal.

Under the Education Act 1989, Principal’s approval is required for parents to take children out of school for 3 days or more.  Please request this in writing by sending an e-mail to admin@rawhiti.school.nz


Parents, by right, have access to their child(ren) when living apart, separated or divorced. Upon request, interviews and reports are available to both parents. Where access is denied by either parent, documentation is required to be seen by the Principal. Without proof, access must be allowed to both parents.


There are a number of providers who operate after school care programmes for Rāwhiti School pupils.

Each of these groups provides a pickup service from school.

Youth Alive Trust
Location: 111 Seaview Road, Central New Brighton
Programme Manager – James Redpath
Phone: 3881001
Email: oscar@yat.org.nz
Programme is for Year 4-9 pupils

Rāwhiti Community Sports Inc OSCAR
Click here to create an account and register your child:  https://enrolmy.com/rawhiti-oscar
Oscar Supervisor – Sandra Kendall

GenZ Afterschool and Holiday Program
Location: 81 Bickerton Street, Wainoni
Mobile: 02041070744
Email: genzkids81@gmail.com


If at any time during the year you wish to discuss a concern, or you just want to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss progress, please feel free to phone the school and make an appointment. While minor matters can sometimes be discussed informally, this can present a problem if the teacher is on playground duty or has an after school meeting to attend. An appointment ensures you have the teachers full attention.


Dates and times for  assemblies are advised in the school newsletter and on the calendar on the school website.

Parents are welcome to attend all school assemblies.




At Rāwhiti School we look at discipline as an opportunity to provide boundaries and guidelines for children. Discipline is a basic requirement for all young people in order for them to grow up to be independent and successful in society.

We place a strong emphasis on Restorative Practice – on putting right the wrong that has been done, and repairing any relationships that may have been damaged. This process is usually private to the parties involved, but it does always happen.

Rāwhiti School is part of the Ministry of Education Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) professional development programme. Our focus is on developing a positive school culture and environment and responding in the best ways possible when things do go wrong. Our response to behaviour is personalised, positive, proactive, educative, corrective and restorative rather than punitive, negative, reactive, permissive or neglectful. We work hard to teach children social skills, emotional regulation and self management.

More information about the PB4L programme and resources can be found here.

Summary outline of our approach to managing behaviour.


  • Block 1:  9:00am – 10:40am

  • Morning play break:  10:40am – 11:00am

  • Morning tea: 11:00am – 11.10am
  • Block 2:  11.10am – 12:15pm

  • Lunch play break:  12:15pm – 12:45pm

  • Lunch eating: 12:45pm – 1:00pm
  • Block 3:  1:00pm – 2:00pm

  • Afternoon break: 2:00pm – 2:15pm

  • Block 4:  2:15pm – 3:00pm

Please ensure your child arrives no earlier than 8.30am. Teachers are not on duty until 8:30am so children will remain at the gate until 8.30am if they arrive early.



We believe that children must know the Road Code and have the skills for safe cycling.  We remind parents that the New Zealand Transport Agency and The New Zealand Police recommended age for cycling to school is 10. We strongly recommend that children do not ride to school until they are in Year 5 or above. If parents allow their child to ride to school, they take responsibility for their cycling safety. Children who cycle to school must wear approved safety helmets. Bicycles can be left in the cycle stands during the school day at the risk of the owner. Bicycles may be ridden up the west path and on the bike track at the rear of the school apart from that they must be walked within the school grounds unless children are participating in a supervised cycling activity.


See this link for more information.


Your Board is elected every three years as the governing body of the school. The main function of the trustees is to be responsible for all aspects of the school relating to governance, this includes the welfare of students and staff, appointment of staff, financial matters, building maintenance, equipment, grounds and amenities. Please refer to the BOT page of this website, under the ‘Our People’ tab.

Your Board of Trustees meet eight times a year and dates are advertised on the calendar and in our school newsletter. These are public meetings and all members of the school community are welcome to attend.



We all have a responsibility towards child safety in our community. Please help the school to promote child safety by encouraging children to:

(a) go to and from school in groups.

(b) have and know strategies to deal with approaches by strangers, e.g.

  • say “no”

  • note car numbers and colour, etc

  • walk towards a house where someone is likely to be home

  • report incidents


We understand that many of you send children to school with a personal cell phone to make communication easier in the event of an emergency. Children who bring cell phones to school do so at their own risk. The school does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage.

Phones are not to be used to communicate with others or connect to social media during the school day. Phones are to be away, out of sight – preferably in a school bag. Students are welcome to hand their cellphone to their teachers for safe keeping during the day and we having lockable facilities in each learning studio.

If there is an urgent need for communication that cannot wait until the end of the school day, students and parents can make contact through the school office. We request that parents do not phone their children directly during the school day.

Our students must not use the Internet, email, mobile phones or any ICT equipment to be mean, rude, offensive, or to bully, harass, or in any way harm anyone else connected to our school, or the school itself, even if it is meant as a ‘joke.’

If your child has been misusing their cellphone at school you will be notified and asked to work with us on a reasonable solution.


Details of purchasing a Chromebook for your child can be found under OUR LEARNING

CODE OF CONDUCT – Parents, caregivers, visitors

Code of Conduct


Rāwhiti School has adopted a cohort entry system starting from Term 1 in 2022.  This means that there are only two start dates each term for new entrants:

  • The first day of each term or
  • The mid-point during a term, usually the first school day in Week 6.

This could mean that a child may not start school on their 5th birthday so this is something parents should be mindful of when preparing their child for their starting date. Children can remain at their ECE until the intake after their fifth birthday and they will continue to receive funding to attend ECE until they start school.


Our Hero school app is available from here. This is our primary way of communicating and is based on the email address you give the school.  Download the Hero (Linc-Ed) app appropriate for your device.

Messages left on the school answer phone are cleared daily when the school is open for instruction. Messages left during holiday breaks are cleared on a regular basis.

Email messages are cleared daily when the school is open and on a regular basis when the school is closed during a holiday break. The school’s email address is admin@rawhiti.school.nz

The school website has most information pertaining to the school – www.rawhiti.school.nz

When required we message via Hero and on our school Facebook page. If you are a Facebook user please search for Rāwhiti School and click ‘Like’. This is the only Facebook page endorsed by the school. Our Facebook page is for communication and celebration. It is not the forum for complaints. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.

Rāwhiti Communication Flowchart


Often parents have concerns over composite classes (classes of more than one Year level). Mostly these concerns relate to a perception that if a child is placed in a composite class the child may be disadvantaged; perhaps that work will be too easy, or that they will be repeating work from a previous year etc. Be assured programmes and learning themes for each classroom are planned annually. There is no set requirement for curriculum coverage for children of a certain age. The only requirement of schools, by the Ministry of Education, is to ensure there is breadth and depth of coverage of all of the essential learning areas and that the classroom teacher delivers a programme at an appropriate level of instruction that caters for the individual differences in levels of thinking and learning.


Complaints or queries may be directed to the class teacher, Principal or Board of Trustees. Your starting point will be the classroom teacher.

Please do not remain silent if you have a concern, are uneasy or troubled.

Problems are usually remedied easily; rumours are often ill founded; policies and practice are sometimes misunderstood; errors, shortcomings and wrongs should be corrected immediately.

Please feel free to contact the office to arrange to see your child’s teacher or the principal. Please don’t leave problems until interview times. If you wish to discuss your child’s progress with the teacher, please speak to them before or after school and arrange a suitable time for this. Please bring matters of concern to their attention straight away to enable teachers to assemble the relevant information to put you fully in the picture.

Rāwhiti Communication Flowchart


Rāwhiti School has partnered with Youth Alive Trust to provide counselling for children at school. Referral forms are available from the office or here. More detailed information about the counselling service is available here.


If your child tests positive for covid, they are currently required to self isolate for 7 days.  If there are siblings at school they should test every morning and if they are negative, they are permitted to attend school.  CLICK HERE for more information.


It is vitally important that you keep the school informed of any change of address or work or home phone or emergency contact numbers. Please email admin@rawhiti.school.nz with any changes. See emergencies for more detail.


All school programmes are carefully based on National Education Goals, curriculum guidelines, and programmes as specified in our Charter and accompanying policies.

It is the school’s intention that all staff work together to deliver a balanced curriculum which reflects the latest trends in education and, for this reason, programmes are constantly being reviewed and refined.

Staff are committed to ongoing professional learning that is fully supported by the Board of Trustees.

A priority is placed on literacy and numeracy teaching in the core curriculum subjects (Reading, Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology and The Arts).




Enrolment at school automatically means enrolment for free Dental Therapy. Parents wishing to make alternative arrangements are able to do so. Dental Therapists visit the school once a year to assess all children.

The closest Community Dental Care facilities are located at Aranui High School, Shortland Street, Aranui. If your child requires urgent dental care please phone 0800 846 983 to make an appointment.


We are helping prepare our students to be effective and safe digital citizens. We have a planned programme suited to each year level, as well as taking opportunities (within context) throughout the year. Upon enrolment, students and their families are also required to sign a cybersafety agreement, and asked to agree to the publication of student work on our class and school blogs. We believe that sharing student work with our community, as well as a wider audience, is an important aspect of building digital citizenship skills. (See Internet/ICT use agreement below).


Dogs are an important part of life for many Rāwhiti School families, and are often included in activities such as walking children to and from school. The school appreciates this inclusion and values the place the dog has within a family. It also acknowledges that some people can find contact with dogs stressful, and even frightening.

Parents who bring dogs on to school grounds do so on the understanding that their dog has no issues around children, has never displayed any aggression towards children, and that the owner believes the dog is fully trustworthy in a school environment.

Owners bringing a dog or dogs on to the school grounds must follow the guidelines below.


Rāwhiti School is committed to teaching children appropriate behaviour when approaching dogs so that they have a positive experience interacting with the animal, and in order to reduce the risk of accident or injury.

Stray dogs

Any stray dog at school will be reported to dog control and taken away so there is no danger to our students.

DONATIONS (often referred to as School Fees)

The Board of Trustees has chosen to opt into the Government Donations Scheme for schools. This means that the school will receive additional funding of $150 per child for agreeing to stop asking families and whanau to pay a school donation. We believe that this will benefit everyone in our community.

Under this scheme, there are some costs that schools can still ask parents to contribute to:

  • Overnight school camps will be exempted from the Donations Scheme, which means that Boards will still be able to ask family/whanau for donations towards school camps that have an overnight component.
  • Schools can ask students’ family/whanau to purchase a device for their student to use at school (BYOD) and the family/whanau can choose whether to purchase or not.
  • Parents will continue to pay for extra-curricula music lessons provided at Rāwhiti School by Amplify School of Music.
  • Parents can be asked to pay for visiting drama or music groups, weekend or after hours sports teams, and school dances or social events because participation in these types of activities is voluntary and that participation incurs a charge.
  • Programmes such as Mathletics or Maths Whizz can be purchased for home use but families and whanau must be able to choose whether to purchase or not.
  • Parents will still be charged for the ‘take-home’ component of the Year 7/8 technology/manual programme – so that children can take home the things that they make in woodwork, metalwork, fabric technology etc. The foods component of the technology will be covered by the school.

We will make sure that we communicate clearly if there are any costs that parents will be asked to contribute to.

We are conscious that payments can be a problem for some families. We operate a process where you can use a direct credit from your bank account for a set amount each week or fortnight or if you prefer in termly instalments. The parents who are using this service find it works well for them. If you are interested, please ask at the office.

If you wish to make a payment via internet banking, our bank account number is:  12 -3240- 0211804 – 01.
Please state your child’s/family name and ‘donation’.


Students will always be able to find a Duty Teacher if they need any assistance during breaks.



Experiences outside the classroom reinforce learning by enabling students to make connections between what they have learnt in the classroom and the world beyond the classroom.  EOTC experiences give students opportunities to demonstrate the essential knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and key competencies identified in the National Curriculum (New Zealand Curriculum and Te Maratanga O Aotearoa).

The EOTC programme is important to Rāwhiti, and aims to provide:

  • Opportunities beyond the classroom to support learning in all areas of the curriculum

  • Opportunities for students to discover, enjoy, learn and develop in outdoor, leisure and recreational contexts

  • Safe learning experiences across a variety of contexts and environments.

Rāwhiti recognises the potential benefits to staff and students through experiencing acceptable risks.  The school’s EOTC programme will aim to strike the right balance, so that the real risks are managed and learning opportunities are experienced to the full.

Experiences outside the classroom include such activities as the camps, skiing, sporting, musical, drama and other educational trips. Local walks, visits and visitors are valuable additions to classroom learning programmes.

School outings are usually directly related to current classroom programmes/themes, and as such it is expected children will attend most arranged visits.

Risk management systems are in place and all parent helpers must complete the required documentation from the school. Ratios of adults to children are determined by the perceived level of risk. Teachers arranging trips must have the prior approval of the principal and on some occasions the approval of the board. Parents sign permission slips for activity Levels 1-3 when children start school.

Sometimes we walk, or travel in school vans or buses, and at other times we ask for parental help with transport. Whenever private transport is used, parents/caregivers must have a current drivers license and their car must be registered and have a current Warrant of Fitness. All children must wear a diagonal seatbelt.


In the event of an emergency children will be cared for by staff until parents are able to collect them from school. It is essential that we have at least two (preferably more) emergency contacts recorded for your child. We will only release children to contacts identified in our database. Please keep emergency contact information up to date.


If your child is turning five in the next year please contact the school office to make an enrolment appointment. The earlier you enrol, the better, so that the Board of Trustees can plan for classroom space and teacher appointments.

Rāwhiti School has an excellent Transition to School programme that includes a Ready for Rāwhiti Party and a Starting School Pack.

Approximately one month before your child’s birthday pre-entry visits will be arranged.

When enrolling your child you will need to bring a copy of his/her Birth Certificate or passport and evidence of up-to-date immunisation. Immunisation is not compulsory in New Zealand but parents of children born from 1995 onwards are required to show their child’s immunisation certificate when starting school so that the Immunisation Register can be completed.

Rāwhiti School has an enrolment scheme in place see this link for the enrolment zone



Rāwhiti is a Year 0-8 Full Primary School and, as such, offers a complete package for children between preschool and high school. Full Primary Schools are known for having a caring family environment that enhances personal development, supportive staff who know your children well and care about their progress, and quality teaching and learning across the curriculum to prepare your child for the future. We also provide leadership opportunities for all children, particularly in the senior school, and a Year 7 and 8 programme designed to meet the academic and social needs of emerging adolescents.



Gifted & Talented Learners are identified and individual programmes ensure that those who have particular gifts and talents have their learning needs met and are challenged.



From time to time there are outbreaks of headlice. Please don’t panic if your child has headlice – they are very easily caught and very easily treated. Please inform us if you discover signs of headlice in your child’s hair – chances are others may have them too. Generally, the school sends note home to all families in a class to alert them to the presence of headlice. The school has a Robi-Comb which you can arrange to use by contacting the office.


Children who are not well in the night or before school should not be sent to school.   We do not have staff or facilities to give care to sick children.  When children become ill or are injured during the school day, parents are contacted and are asked to take the child home or to their doctor.  If your child has been vomiting or had diarrhoea, they need to be away from school for 48 hours from the time of their last symptom.

If a child becomes ill at school parents are contacted and suitable arrangements made. If both parents are working the name and telephone number of someone who can be called in an emergency should be made known. This is particularly necessary in the case of accidents.

Where contact can not be made, the school will take the actions a prudent parent would, in an emergency, by contacting the doctor or hospital. We will call an ambulance to assist with first aid if needed.  Our staff are trained in practical first aid.

If your child suffers from asthma, allergies, epilepsy etc  please advise the school office so we can work out a procedure to deal with any situation that may arise.

If your child needs to take medication during the day, this will be administered at the office.   If medication is to be administered, parents MUST sign an authorisation form at the office before medication can be given. Inhalers also need to be kept at the office and administered as per instruction from parents.  While all care will be taken in administering medication and first aid, the final responsibility is the parents.


Rāwhiti School works alongside our local Public Health Nurse located at Burwood Hospital.  Parents and caregivers can contact or the health team for any health matters on 383 6877.


A Hearing & Vision tester employed by Canterbury District Health Board regularly visits school to test the hearing and vision of new entrants to school. If you would like to find out more about this, or ask for your child to be added to the list when they next visit, please contact the school office.


  • Family and Community influences can account for as much as 65% of children’s learning according to research both overseas and in New Zealand (Biddulph and Biddulph, 2003)

  • The school day is only a part of your child’s education. There are many ways you can help at home

  • At school we encourage children to work independently, make decisions and develop responsibility for their own learning. You can encourage this by giving them responsibilities at home

  • Praise your child’s efforts and value things they bring home

  • If writing things for your child to read, use the printing style used at school. A copy of this will be given to you when your child starts school. Use capital letters only for the beginning of a name or sentence

  • Play lots of games with numbers and words

  • Read lots of stories and encourage reading and writing

  • Set a limit on TV time and encourage your child to be selective in their TV watching

  • Help with, but don’t do, homework

  • Make sure your child has adequate sleep

  • Recognise that different children progress at different rates


From 2020 we have chosen Hero as our new Student Management System.  It brings all school communication together into a single app that works across multiple schools. Hero is designed to reduce the number of places that parents need to check for information about school. Parents and caregivers can log in to their Hero account (even if they have students at multiple schools) and see all their learning stories, assessments, progress data, school accounts and school notices.  For instruction on setting up the Hero Lin-Ed app, CLICK HERE


HOME LEARNING (often referred to as Homework)

At Rāwhiti School we believe learning happens everywhere and often the best learning is a result of shared experiences and conversations.  We understand that families have busy lives and children are often involved in many out of school activities and sports.

Research shows homework does not work!  We do not want to send home busy work which does not relate to the classroom. If home learning becomes stressful with arguments or tears it turns children off learning and becomes ineffective and has a negative impact for families. Research also acknowledges that while reading and learning basic facts is beneficial for learners, all other compulsory homework (in primary schools) is not proven to improve outcomes.

Consequently at Rāwhiti, set home learning tasks are minimal.

Home Learning will consist of reading and basic facts for all and basic sight words (high frequency words) for juniors.

The best thing we can do to enable your children is to assist them with reading, basic numeracy and encourage them to become lifelong learners. Home learning should be based on a child’s progress and individual needs.

There are several ways that parents can best support children’s learning at home

  • Make learning fun! – play games, laugh, sing together, get out and about, kick a ball and enjoy quality interaction time together

  • Reading to, reading with and listening to your child read regularly for fun and leisure.

  • Engage your child in conversation about the things that are happening in their world. Ask questions and help your child to ask questions about their experiences.  Listen to your children’s stories, tales, ideas etc

  • Maths home learning could include learning basic maths facts (see your child’s teacher for appropriate facts to learn). Equally valuable maths learning takes place when you are baking, shopping, building something or playing strategy games such as connect four, chess or Chinese checkers.

  • Model reading, writing and maths at home.  This could be writing shopping lists, reading the newspaper or a magazine, texting (reading and writing), sending an email, using measurements when cooking, counting objects, discussing the social issues on the news, creating a menu etc.

After school time should be a balance between play, socialising, family time, hobbies and interests, sport and a small amount of school work.  Home learning should not be a stressful time.



Rāwhiti School employs a full time Learning Support Coordinator who oversees the provision of learning support for children with individual needs. Part-time teachers and teacher aides work with individuals and groups of children whose needs include E.S.O.L., enrichment, learning difficulties, and extension learning.


During the winter months children are encouraged to bring suitable footwear, e.g. slippers, for indoors.  This helps to keep the noise down when children are compelled to remain indoors and assists in keeping the school carpets clean.


When using information and communication technologies (ICT) at Rāwhiti School students
will always be good citizens.
Please discuss this agreement with your child so they understand their responsibilities when using ICT at Rāwhiti
Should a student break the Internet Use Agreement rules they will lose computer privileges and
may have other disciplinary action taken against them.
• The sole purpose for school computers and other ICT resources is to support teaching
and learning in the classroom.
• The school will do its best to keep students safe while using global information
systems such as the internet and email.
• Students are not permitted to access material through the internet or send emails,
which are offensive, dangerous, inappropriate or illegal.
• Students will not use the internet, emails, mobile phones or any CT equipment to be
mean, rude, offensive or to bully, harass, or in any way harm anyone else connected
to our school, the school itself even if it meant as a “joke”.
• Students may use the internet or email at school only if it has been teacher directed.
• Students must respect copyright regulations
• Students will not connect any device, (such as a phone, camera, USB drive) to school
ICT or run any software without a teachers permission. This includes all wireless
• Students will not upload any material to the internet without a teacher’s permission.
• Students will treat all school ICT equipment/devices with care and respect.
• Students will not upload any personal information about others or themselves on the
• Students may only print material with a teacher’s permission.
• Student will ask for assistance from a teacher if they discover a problem.


The school uses an Inquiry Learning approach with an emphasis on assisting children to ‘learn how to learn’. The Inquiry Learning philosophy itself aims to strengthen children’s understanding of how a learning process can help to develop children’s understanding and knowledge of appropriate skills, and the tools they can apply to develop their thinking and learning.



Jewellery, other than ear studs and watches, is not permitted to be worn at school, unless for cultural or religious reasons.  Ear studs are the only earrings allowed to be worn, no dangling or sleeper type earrings.



Children who arrive late to school (after 9.00 a.m.) need to report to the office and sign in on vis-tab for a late pass and explain a reason for their lateness before going to their classroom.  When there are patterns of children arriving late, this will be followed up with their parents/caregivers by the classroom teacher in the first instance and the Deputy Principal or Principal if lateness continues to be a problem.


The school uses a considerable amount of its operational grant to provide in class support for children.  This Learning Assistant support is allocated according to need.


Learning Conversations are one of the ways that we communicate with parents about their child’s learning.  Multiple student lead conversations will be held at the same time in your child’s studio.  You will be involved in a variety of activities during the time — looking at samples of learning, doing an activity to support learning, talking about goals and what your child, you and the teacher might do to support these goals, looking at work around the classroom.  During the Learning Conversation, your child’s teacher/s will spend some time with you. This time will allow the teacher to expand on the information your child has shared or for you to clarify something if necessary.

Learning Conversations – more information


Teachers take classes on visits to extend understanding and language and to educate children in use of the outdoors for personal development.

It is a requirement that all private motor vehicles used for the transportation of pupils have a current WOF, registration and shoulder seat belts for each pupil.  Children under 8 years must sit in an approved booster seat.

Parents who assist with supervision on class trips are asked to not bring preschoolers. The adult:child ratio is applied to achieve safe management of the children in groups and so children can be focused on the activities to achieve the aims of the trip. School camps are included in the senior school programme. (Also see EOTC above)


Rāwhiti School has seven main classroom learning spaces.

See the staff list for who is teaching in which class.


If parents come to take children from school between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 pm, they must advise the class teacher and sign out at the office.  Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the school day for any reason without permission from a teacher and need to sign out at the office. Children are not allowed to enter neighbour’s properties to collect balls or to climb over any fences backing onto the school.


The school has a well stocked library which all classes visit on a regular basis. Children are able to select books to take home. The library is open during breaks and children are encouraged to make use of the extensive services available. The school employs a part- time librarian to ensure the on-going purchasing of up-to-date, attractive and stimulating reading material. As library books are expensive to replace we would ask you to assist us by ensuring children look after the books and return them promptly. If children lose library books, parents will be invoiced for their replacement.

The Library is also promoted through our library blog.


There is a lost property collection point in each classroom and also in the main office entry. It is the child’s responsibility to retrace their steps when items have been misplaced. We cannot stress enough that uniform and belongings must be named. Unclaimed and un-named clothing will be sold or given away at the end of each term.

Lost property will be returned to its owner if it is named.


We are part of the Health School Lunches programme.  Weekly menus are shared on Hero through each studios “What’s happening this week” post.  All parents will need to advise if their child has special dietary requirements so the appropriate lunch can be ordered for them.



If your child has an ongoing medical condition (e.g. asthma/allergies) medication can be held at the school office to be administered when required. Please ensure that all medication is labelled with your child’s name.

In each case, a parent/caregiver must complete and sign a Permission to Administer Medication form.

At the end of the school year all medication is returned. This is a good opportunity to check the expiry date on medications.

If your child still requires medication at the beginning of the next school year we will ask you to complete a new Permission to Administer Medication form. This ensures we have the most current information regarding dosages for your child.


When sending a payment with your children please send to the office.

We encourage internet banking, the school bank account number is:

12 -3240- 0211804 – 01.

When making a payment on-line please state your child’s name and what the payment is for.

*If you send cash to school, please have money in a sealed envelope with the following information:

  • your child’s name

  • room number

  • what the payment is for

Please ensure you include the correct money. All money will be applied to your account, no change can be given.


Prospective parents and pupils are most welcome to visit to view the school.  Please contact the Office to make an appointment if you wish to meet the Principal.  Liz welcomes the opportunity to speak with parents.


Rāwhiti School has partnered with Amplify School of Music to provide music lessons. More Information.



A school newsletter is posted under “Newsletter Archive ” on this website every second Friday and is sent out via Hero and loaded onto the school Facebook page.  Please ensure we have your correct e-mail address.  If you do not have access to the internet, please let your child’s teacher know and we will send a paper copy home. A copy is also available to read the school office.



Our aim is to work co-operatively to resolve any problem.

If you have a concern please follow the following steps.

  1. Please arrange a discussion with the class teacher. Explain clearly the concerns felt and discuss how these concerns could be overcome. Arrange a follow-up interview at a later date to review progress.

  2. If a concern is still felt please make an appointment with either of the Deputy Principals Helen Parata or Paul Wilkinson.

  3. If you feel the matter has not been resolved, please make an appointment with the Principal who will also check all earlier action taken and work with all parties concerned to reach a satisfactory solution.


This school encourages active participation by parents in school activities inside and outside of school. Parent assistance is sought by teachers with individuals and small groups of children in the classroom, library, sports teams, working bees, supervision, camping and fundraising etc. If you can help in either a general or particular way, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Parents are encouraged to maintain a regular contact with your child’s teacher. Besides informal contacts before and after school, opportunities to have an interview with the teacher are always available.

3-way Learning Conversations take place twice a year. A variety of days and times is offered to families and parents make bookings using an on-line system.


No parking is permitted on the school grounds, on the yellow lines outside or in any bus stops. Users of the marked mobility parks must be displaying a valid mobility permit.


To enhance the learning opportunities for your child, teachers plan experiences and activities  that may include performing artists (story tellers, dancers and musicians), visits to places beyond the school (see LOTC)  or costs for specialist instructors (such as beach education).

The costs for these activities are to be met by parents. An invoice for payment for activities is sent home once a term. Payment can be made in one lump sum, by direct credit or automatic payment.  Many families pay a weekly or fortnightly sum ($2 – $10) which covers the annual activities. Parents who use this process find it an effective way of managing payment. You can contact the school office for a balance on your account during school hours.

We encourage internet banking, the school bank account number is:

12 -3240- 0211804 – 01.

When making a payment on-line please state your child’s name and what the payment is for.


Children are discouraged from bringing to school any toys, jewellery or belongings irrelevant to teaching and learning.  Most jewellery is not suitable in terms of safety in sport and play.  The school can take no responsibility for any such items if they go missing or are damaged.


The school’s photocopier is available for use by the school community at a set price. Our Office Manager is responsible for overseeing the photocopiers use and should be contacted between the hours of 8.30-3.30 to make a suitable time.


Each year children are able to have their class, individual and family photographs taken. There is no compulsion for children to have their photos taken. Photographs are provided as a service to parents and payment must be made when photos are received.



1.       In November, after consultation with teachers, the Senior Leadership Team draw up classes for the following year.

2.       A range of criteria including age, intellectual, emotional and social development and positive or negative peer relationships will be considered. We aim to ensure children are placed with at least one good friend, when classes are formed from one year to the next.

3.       Depending on enrolments early in the new year, classes will remain as drawn up, with additions from enrolments as they arrive.

4.       No class changes will be undertaken during the year unless there are extraordinary circumstances and parents and staff both agree on the class   change.


The Board has developed a comprehensive folder of policies and procedures to assist in operating the school. Rāwhiti School uses an on-line system for reviewing policy and procedure and parents are notified of this in the school newsletter.

To view our full Policies and Procedures visit


Username: rawhiti

Password: East


If you are intending to send your child to Rāwhiti School it is a good idea to put your name down at the office up to a year ahead.  If we have your name and address you will be contacted by our Junior Team Leader, who deals with all matters relating to transition to school.  Prior to starting school you will be asked to show a copy of your child’s birth and immunisation certificates.


All school visits are held on a Tuesday and Wednesday morning excluding Weeks 1 and 6, starting at 8.30am.  An email will be sent 5 weeks prior to their starting date with all the details of their school visits.  A minimum of three visits are recommended to be completed before they start.  A morning tea is also held for parents to attend to meet the Principal and someone from the new entrants teaching team to talk about the programme and answer any questions you may have.


All information relating to families and pupils of Rāwhiti School is confidential under the Privacy Act.  No information will be given to other agencies without permission of the persons concerned.


During your child’s time at Rāwhiti School, they will be involved in class activities where children may be included in photographs, as well as being involved in activities using e-mail and the internet.

  • E-mail: Children’s email access is managed either through their teacher’s email or through Hapara Dashboard which gives teachers full access and oversight to children’s online activity.

  • Internet: Our system is set up to block unsuitable sites. A staff member is present when children are using the internet.

  • Publication of school activities:  Children’s learning, photographs of children, podcasts or movies may appear on our school website, Facebook, blogs, seesaw app and in articles in the school newsletter.  Some will be on secure websites and others will be publicly available.

  • Newspaper Articles:  From time to time we celebrate our children’s learning in local newspapers.  Their photographs and full names may be published in the paper.

You will be asked to sign and return a Cybersafety Use Agreement that will be in force for the duration of your child attending Rāwhiti School.  If you have any concerns regarding the above, please advise the school office


Children may not bring the following items to school:

  • hand held video games

  • matches/lighters

  • solvents-chemicals

  • jewellery other than studs and watches

  • cigarettes, tobacco, drugs, vaporisers (vapes) and vaping products

  • alcohol

  • fizzy drinks
  • chewing gum

  • sweets

  • knives


The Ministry of Education’s policy on the classification of pupils in New Zealand is one of social promotion – children moving through the school with pupils of the same age.   Most Year 1 children with birthdays from January – end April will be promoted to Year 2 at the start of the following year. Generally at the start of each subsequent year the child will move to the next class level.

PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

Rāwhiti School has an active parent/caregiver support group who have an interest in helping the Principal, teachers and the Board of Trustees.  They not only support the school financially but with a great amount of time assisting tasks that support running the school and free up our teachers to be with the children.  They meet once a month, please look out for dates of meetings in our newsletters and on our website calendar.  If you would like to know more about the committee, further PTA information and contact details here.

PTA Events Facebook page




Reporting on assessment at Rāwhiti School includes communicating what students know, understand and can do. Reporting involves parents, students and teachers as partners and is honest, comprehensive and understandable to all parties and in line with the Ministry of Education’s guidelines.

  1. ‘Getting Connected’ (Goal Setting) Meetings – These are held at the very start of the school year before classes begin. Students and their parents meet with their teacher and connect (or re-connect). Parents and whānau hold a wealth of knowledge about their child, so this is an important time to share this information with the teaching team. The focus is on ensuring that teachers know the aspirations they hold for their child.
  2. Learning Conversations. – These are held in Term 1 and Term 3. Research highlights the benefits of students sharing their learning, communicating what they know and building on their knowledge. Teaching teams operate a format that best suits the age and stage of their learners. In general, the format involves looking at samples of learning, doing an activity to support learning, talking about goals and what might be done to support these goals, and looking at work around the classroom.  During the Learning Conversation, teacher/s are available to expand on the information being shared by a child, or to clarify something if necessary.
  3. Hero Posts – At Rāwhiti School we use Hero (Linc-Ed) to report to parents and whānau on their child’s progress and next steps. There are no longer paper copies of reports sent home twice a year. Instead, parents and caregivers can access a child’s learning goals, reflections and posts at any time. Parents/caregivers  need a log-on to access Hero. The account is connected to the email address that is on file at school and provides them with access to learning information for all of their children enrolled at Rāwhiti School. Each parent can have access to their own account. In Hero parents can see:
  • Evidence of  learning across the different subjects of the New Zealand Curriculum. This evidence may include photos, videos, samples of work, reflections, slides, assessments, digital media etc.
  • Current and recently achieved learning goals
  • Progress against the expectations for specific year levels.

Hero posts provide a snapshot of a child’s learning in relation to various areas of learning, including the curriculum expectations in reading, writing and mathematics. Literacy and Numeracy  posts are published to parents twice per year. Learning goals are updated each term and it is the updating of these goals that generates a ‘best fit’ curriculum level.

  1. Parent-Teacher Meetings – Conversations between teachers and whānau can occur as and when needed, and can be initiated by either teachers or parents.



At Rāwhiti School we look at discipline as an opportunity to provide boundaries and guidelines for children. Discipline is a basic requirement for all young people in order for them to grow up to be independent and successful in society.

We place a strong emphasis on Restorative Practice – on putting right the wrong that has been done, and repairing any relationships that may have been damaged. This process is usually private to the parties involved, but it does always happen.

Rāwhiti School is part of the Ministry of Education Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) professional development programme. Our focus is on developing a positive school culture and environment and responding in the best ways possible when things do go wrong. Our response to behaviour is personalised, positive, proactive, educative, corrective and restorative rather than punitive, negative, reactive, permissive or neglectful. We work hard to teach children social skills, emotional regulation and self management.

More information about the PB4L programme and resources can be found here.



Once or twice a term, children bring home a pamphlet from the Scholastic Book Company offering pupils a selection of books to purchase – ABC/Lucky, Arrow, Star. Children are under no pressure to buy. If you wish to order, send the money and order form in a named envelope to either school office by the due date. Cheques are made to Scholastic NZ Ltd.

The school receives points for each book sold. These points are accumulated and used to purchase books and equipment.

Orders, accompanied by payment, should be placed in the deposit box in the school office in a clearly labelled envelope.


  • Block 1:  9:00 am – 10:40 am

  • Morning play break:  10:40 am – 11:00 am

  • Morning tea: 11:00am – 11.10 am
  • Block 2:  11.10 am – 12:15 pm

  • Lunch play break:  12:15 pm – 12:45pm

  • Lunch eating: 12:45 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Block 3:  1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

  • Afternoon break: 2:00 pm – 2:15 pm

  • Block 4:  2:15 pm – 3:00 pm

Please ensure your child arrives no earlier than 8.30am. Teachers are not on duty until 8:30 am, therefore children arriving prior to this time will be unsupervised.


The children are involved in a variety of trips and activities during the year which complement the school curriculum. Parents are notified of the costs associated with each activity and this can either be paid at the office or added to your school account.(See EOTC above)


Children are encouraged to bring their wheels to school – bikes, scooters, skateboards or ripsticks and ride them in a safe manner.   If a child is found to be riding their wheels unsafely their wheels will be taken to the office for the day and they can collect them after school. Having wheels at school is a privilege not a right. Please ensure that all items are named and understand that they come to school at the owners risk. It is advisable to lock scooters and bikes.


The Smokefree Environments Amendment Act 2003, directs that all buildings and grounds of Rāwhiti School are smokefree 24 hours a day, seven days a week (with no exemptions). The Act applies to anyone on the school grounds including staff, students, visiting parents/caregivers, contractors and people hiring or using the school facilities outside of school hours.


The majority of our children make normal progress as part of their classroom programme. Curriculum planning is designed to meet the needs of all students; this includes students who may have special needs and/or are gifted and/or talented. Extension within the classroom programme is considered essential. When a teacher cannot easily meet the needs of a child within the classroom programme other alternatives are considered

Children may be assisted through a wide a range of programmes including;

  • Learning Support programmes
  • Employment of specialist teachers

  • Employment of teacher aides

  • Employment of additional teaching staff

  • Curriculum competitions

  • Resource Teachers i.e. Literacy, Learning and Behaviour. Cross-class groupings

  • Correspondence school courses


Hearing and Vision Tests are conducted by the Canterbury District Health Board at frequent intervals throughout the year.   New Entrant pupils are seen automatically and children who fail tests are retested and the appropriate action taken, including advising parents.

Other specialist services available through the school include: Public Health Nurse, Speech/Language Therapist, Social Worker in Schools, Counselling provided by Youth Alive Trust,  Youth Workers, Child and Family Guidance, Resource Teacher Learning and Behaviour (RTLB), Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.

Usually the school initiates contact with the above services. However, you are welcome to make enquiries to the Principal or Deputy Principals, if you consider referrals to any of the above are required for your child.


Rāwhiti School children have the option to participate in a wide variety of sports.  Depending on the interest and the age of children, the following sports are available.

Netball, Soccer, Hockey, Table Tennis and Rugby

School, Zone and Canterbury Cross Country


School, Zone and Canterbury Swimming

School, Zone and Canterbury Athletics

Touch Rugby

As events start at a different time each year it is important that parents/caregivers and children read the newsletter for information of sign up notices.

We also promote and encourage participation in local sporting events such as Weetbix Tryathlon, McDonalds Duathlon and City to Surf.


A list of stationery requirements is sent home with the report and class placement notices at the end of the year. The lists are also made available at this time on the school website.


Teachers will use classroom assessment as the basis for monitoring student progress and setting next step learning. Portfolios and or classroom exercise books may be used to show children’s work and may be used as a means of comparison, or to provide evidence of achievement.

Information will be collected each year by using a variety of assessment tools, such as Running Word Records and Asttle Tests. The information will be analysed and used to make recommendations for setting school targets and or to improve curriculum planning and identify strengths or areas of concern across the school in year groups.

The Rāwhiti School Student Report is part of the school’s official records on a child’s progress.


The school holds high expectations for the children in the Year 7/8 class, particularly in the area of student leadership. All senior students have the opportunity to join leadership groups of interest to them. Children in these groups receive specific leadership training and are then supported as they organise and manage whole school events, act as buddies to our new entrant children, meet and greet visitors, conduct school tours and undertake numerous other duties.


Rāwhiti School has a Sunsafe School Policy to try to ensure that while children are attending school they are protected from skin damage caused by the sun. The policy is implemented during Terms 1 and 4.  As part of the general skin protection strategies it is compulsory for children wear hats which protect the face, neck and ears when they are outside (ie: break, lunch, sport, excursions and outdoor activities).  Children will need to sit in the shade if they do not have a hat.


Children must wear their regulation school sun hat when they are in the playground in Terms 1 and 4. Replacement of hats will be at the expense of parents. Hats can be purchased from the school office.


As whānau you play a big part in your child’s learning every day, and you can support and build on what they learn at school too.  Below is a link to the “Supporting your child’s learning”  page on the Ministry of Education website. This section has information and tips on getting involved in your child’s reading, writing and mathematics learning while they are in years 1-8 at school. There is a page for each year level to help you understand the National Standards and how you can support your child’s learning at home.


Swimming is part of the physical education programme. Participation is not voluntary. The pool is heated during the regular season. Please ensure your child has their togs and towel at school on a daily basis. If your child is unable to swim due to illness a note should be sent to school.



Year 7 and 8 students travel by bus to Te Aratai College – Linwood one morning a week for specialist technology, hard/soft materials, food and electronics. A charge is made for materials supplied by the training centre. The Ministry of Education meets the cost of transporting children to technology.


Small toys and home play articles are not to be brought to school as they are often lost or ‘attract’ other children’s attention. Skateboards, scooters and bikes are permitted. The school takes no responsibility for loss or damage of any personal property. Please ensure all belongings are named and that children are encouraged to be responsible for their belongings.


Road Patrol:

We assign a duty teacher to monitor the road crossing at the main entry gate from 8.30 a.m. to 8.50 a.m. and from 3.00 p.m. to 3.10 p.m. Children are encouraged to cross Leaver Tce at the main gate.


Please discuss with your children about being particularly careful when crossing roads when coming to and from school. If your child scoots/walks home by themselves, please teach them to look both ways before crossing any road and use the pedestrian crossing where available. We encourage children to do the right thing for their safety, please continue this when walking with your child.

Drivers please slow down and look out for children before and after school.



Wearing the Rāwhiti school uniform is compulsory and is an important part of helping children develop a sense of belonging in their school. Our uniform is vibrant, smart and easy to wear. Most items are unisex and can be worn summer or winter.  The sun hat is a compulsory item for Terms 1 & 4.

Uniform can be ordered through http://rawhitiuniform.bigimpact.co.nz/

Orders can also be placed at the school office, if you are not able to order online.

Please ensure all items of clothing are labeled so lost items can be returned to their owner.

The PTA sell a limited range of very reasonably priced second hand uniform which is available from our school office.

View uniform information



Entry onto the school grounds after hours is a privilege – not a right.  We ask that any children using the school grounds and/or playground after hours are supervised by an adult and that visitors show respect for our school buildings and property.

If children are not collected by 3.15pm they are to come to the office and parents will be contacted.



ALL visitors are required to report to the office. They need to sign in and out.



Children are encouraged to bring their wheels to school – bikes, scooters, skateboards or ripsticks and ride them in a safe manner.   If a child is found to be riding their wheels unsafely their wheels will be taken to the office for the day and they can collect them after school. Having wheels at school is a privilege not a right. Please ensure that all items are named and understand that they come to school at the owners risk. It is advisable to lock scooters and bikes.



See this link for full details.