What is the PTA?
The PTA is a group of parents, caregivers and staff members who want the best for our school, its students and the surrounding community.
Many of the activities we do raise funds which we use to support the school wherever needed to purchase items outside of the school budget. These can include the purchase of sports uniforms, improvement of the playgrounds and outdoor environments including the swimming pool.
However it’s not all about fundraising. We feel that following on from the merger of our three schools it’s also really important to concentrate on FUN-raising too. So we’ve got a number of events planned for parents and caregivers to get together and simply have some fun and continue to ‘break the ice’. And if we raise a little money at the same time then that’s an added bonus.
Lastly the PTA acts an important link between pupils, their families and the school. We have committed staff representatives, a link to the Board of Trustees and our principal Liz comes along to meetings whenever she can. The PTA is a great way to really keep in the loop with what’s happening at the school, now and in the future
What can YOU do?
Being involved with the PTA is a great way to really get involved in the school and it’s widely accepted that parental involvement in a school can actually help your kids perform better at school as well! Every parent or caregiver within the Rāwhiti school community are already informal members of the PTA, so please feel free anytime to come along to our meetings (we’re a friendly bunch).
If you’d like to help out on occasion but are allergic to meetings you could join the Friends of the Rāwhiti PTA group. We’ll add you to our contact list and make sure you receive details of upcoming events so you have the opportunity to help as you are able but we totally understand if you have to say ‘Not this time’. Drop us an email to PTA@rawhiti.school.nz if you’d like to be added.
Contact Us
We welcome any help, suggestions or feedback about our activities as we are here to represent and support all parents/caregivers.
You can contact us via our email address: pta@rawhiti.school.nz . Any note given to the school office and addressed to the PTA will also reach us.
PTA Meetings
See the school calendar on our school website homepage for PTA meeting dates
PTA meetings are held in the school staffroom.